Donald Trump Criticized For Racial Comments On Kamala Harris
Throughout ABC’s “This Week,” host George Stephanopoulos focused much of the conversation on former President Donald Trump’s comments and questioning about Vice President Harris’ racial identity, how she has described identifying as black when that was politically beneficial but also celebrated her Indian heritage for similar reasons.
During a subsequent interview Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance went further — describing Harris as a “chameleon.”
Regardless, Stephanopoulos relentlessly hounded Representative Byron Donalds over the discourse from Trump. Stephanopoulos scolded Trump for daring to speak about Harris’ racial identity — which he only did after the ABC host prodded him repeatedly: “You just did it — you just did it again. Why do you — why do you insist on questioning her racial identity?”
Trump responded, “George, now that you’re done yelling at me, let me answer. He talked about it on the stage yesterday in Atlanta for, what, two minutes? He spent more than 35, 40 minutes going after her record, talking about how radical of a senator that she was. She was the most liberal senator in the United States Senate. That is a fact. He talked about the job that she did as vice president of the United States. A job, I will add, which has been a failure for the American people. I know you guys like to glom on to this, that he talks about in jest or in a serious manner for about a minute or so. What you do not cover is the litany of failures of Kamala Harris. That’s what you’re not covering, George.”
Donna Brazile, a former operational chair of the Democratic National Committee spoke candidly during another panel engagement more than Donalds. “Donald Trump wants to be the arbiter of who is an American and he is not,” she said.
CBS turned to “Face the Nation” focused on potential running mates for Harris and a new poll taken nationally had Harris ahead of Trump by only one point, but in battleground states they were tied.
Jen Psaki brought Al Sharpton to her MSNBC show and they discussed Harris’ racial identity.
“She ran as the first Black DA in San Francisco, Black attorney general, Black U.S. Senator from the state of California, first Black vice president,” Sharpton said, saying of former President Trump’s attack: “Obviously, it’s not working for him this time.”
None of the shows touched on President Biden, who has maintained a low profile recently with his exit from the 2024 election season and only making brief public appearances. As news of the U.S. military’s heightened presence in the Middle East spread, he spent time over last weekend at his home in Delaware.