Judge: ‘No Evidence’ Behind Hunter Biden Claims

A federal judge disagreed with Hunter Biden’s legal team, which had argued that the charges against the First Son were politically motivated. President Joe Biden’s son is facing two sets of federal felony charges and is the center of an ongoing impeachment inquiry against the president.

According to Judge Mark Scarsi, there was “no evidence” that the current legal charges against the president’s son were politically motivated.

Hunter Biden’s legal team is currently seeking to have a series of tax charges thrown out of court. Scarsi is expected to make a decision later this month.

Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell argued that there was “nothing regular” in the current case against the president’s son. For that reason, the entire case should be thrown out, they argued.

The legal team argued that the charges recommended by special counsel David Weiss were influenced by politics and pressure from members of the GOP.

Hunter Biden is being accused of not paying three years of taxes and shorting the federal government out of at least one million dollars in tax revenue. He also is accused of writing off stays at luxury hotels and meeting prostitutes as part of business expenses.

The president’s son denies all wrongdoing.

The president’s son is the center of a Republican investigation in Congress regarding his business dealings. Hunter Biden allegedly made millions of dollars in business deals with countries such as China, Ukraine, Russia and others.

In addition, the president’s son stated in several communications that his father was involved with his business. He also hinted that the president received a substantial cut from these ventures, including his statement on his email regarding 10% for the “big guy.”

Furthermore, Republicans are investigating reports that Biden utilized an email alias to communicate with members of his family, including Hunter Biden.

The president was also allegedly involved in several meetings with individuals Hunter Biden did business with, including one linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

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