RV Sales Not Banned, Clean Energy Rules Misunderstood

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A viral Facebook post claiming six states are set to ban recreational vehicle (RV) sales has been proven false. The post, which features an image of an RV with a red “BANNED” stamp, lists California, New York, Oregon, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Washington as states allegedly implementing the ban within six weeks.

Investigation reveals no evidence supporting this claim. Neither the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) website nor its social media channels mention any such ban. Furthermore, no statements about RV bans have been made by President Biden, the White House, or President-Elect Trump regarding his upcoming second term.

The misunderstanding appears to stem from California’s Advanced Clean Truck regulation, which VERIFY recently debunked. This regulation, also adopted by the other five mentioned states, requires manufacturers to gradually increase their zero-emission vehicle sales over a decade-long period.

The RVIA has addressed these misconceptions directly. In a statement on their website, they clarified: “While the regulation does not specifically ban motorhome sales, the ACT regulation mandates manufacturers of medium and heavy-duty vehicles to sell an increasing percentage of ZEVs each year.”

Contrary to the viral post’s claims, no credible news sources have reported any upcoming RV sales bans in these states. Check Your Fact is currently awaiting additional comment from the RVIA on this matter.

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