Biden Admits Almost Falling Asleep During TRUMP Debate

Joe Biden said at a private fundraiser this week that he was so worn out during his recent debate with Trump that he almost fell asleep on stage.

The comments from Biden, who spoke for just six minutes during the event, come as fellow Democrats and media are urging the nominee to step down.

“I decided to travel around the world a couple of times … shortly before the debate … I didn’t listen to my staff … and then I almost fell asleep on stage,” said Biden, according to the White House press pool.

His trip had him back in the U.S. as many as almost two weeks before the debate, and he spent a full week of that time at Camp David on vacation – taking daily naps, having light schedules, and never starting work until 11:00 a.m., according to The New York Times.

During the meeting, he allegedly apologized for his abysmal performance but said that it was “critical” for him to win.

The New York Times published an article wherein it was mentioned that people who know Biden are pretty concerned as to how he is often seen in a confused or listless state and loses the line of discussion citing such incidents have been “growing more frequent, more pronounced and more worrisome.”

Amid his trip to Europe, he encountered humiliation at a D-Day commemoration service in France and a subsequent visit to Italy for the G7 Summit; most of these episodes transformed into shared recordings on social media.

The White House has directed the White House physician, Kevin C. O’Connor, not to answer questions from the media about Biden’s health and indicated that they have no intention of having him re-evaluated for Parkinson’s disease — which would be irrelevant considering most believe he is suffering some form of a dementia syndrome The rhetorical question is strong by itself, but the administration went further and claimed Biden never took Levodopa or any drugs for that condition.

It seems the walls are closing in on Joe Biden as his inner circle wraps him up like a cocoon to protect him from making anymore mistakes.

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