Biden Campaign Reports Large Fundraising Haul

The campaign of President Joe Biden reported a large haul in fundraising this week, marking a significant cash advantage for the incumbent over former President Donald Trump. The news came about a week after a high-profile fundraiser for Biden in New York City and around the same time that Trump plans one in Florida.

Biden’s campaign reported bringing in $90 million in March, a formidable amount this early in the year. The president will also have almost $200 million for his campaign entering into the second quarter of 2024.

“The money we are raising is historic, and it’s going to the critical work of building a winning operation focused solely on the voters who will decide this election, offices across the country, staff in our battleground states and a paid media program meeting voters where they are,” said Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez.

Chavez framed the fundraising haul against what she called “Trump’s cash-strapped operation that is funneling the limited and billionaire-reliant funds it has to pay off his various legal fees.”

The former president is hoping the exceed the amount that Biden raised in his New York City gala late last month.

The president was joined by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama during the ritzy event, including being able to get a picture with the three for a donation of $100,000.

The efforts of the major candidates also come as the Republican National Committee (RNC) restarted much of its fundraising effort after the departure of former Chair Ronna McDaniel. Republicans hope that a new stream of income could help blunt some of Biden’s fundraising advantage.

Trump is also holding a weekend fundraiser in Florida expected to bring in more than $40 million. The effort is part of the coalescing of support around the former president after he defeated his Republican challengers in the party’s presidential primary.

Despite the positive fundraising news for Biden, he still trails Trump in a number of national and statewide polls.

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