Israel Prepares Attack On Hamas Stronghold

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that his country was preparing an attack on the last major stronghold held by the Hamas terrorist group. The prime minister said that the country was preparing to take the southern Gaza city of Rafah even with a potential ceasefire negotiation.

Netanyahu made the comment during an American news interview this weekend. He said that Israel was still negotiating for the release of hostages, but that would not stop the operation.

Should there be a hostage agreement, Netanyahu said that the operation against Rafah may be “delayed somewhat, but it will happen. If we don’t have a deal, we’ll do it anyway.”

The prime minister said that his country was just weeks away from a potential victory in Gaza. However, the Biden administration has been critical of Israel’s approach and called for the Jewish state to implement a plan to protect Palestinian civilians.

Rafah remains the last major city held by Hamas. Much of the northern part of Gaza is already under the control of Israel. Some of the Hamas leadership was believed to be in the city. However, there were reports that some of the leaders may have attempted to flee to nearby Egypt.

Israel had reportedly considered a ceasefire in exchange for the release of the hostages currently held by Hamas. Hamas has allegedly rejected several similar offers in the recent past.

Hamas is believed to hold about 100 remaining hostages.

Jerusalem has taken a number of points in Gaza, including its largest city. Israel claims that Hamas has taken thousands of casualties.

Israel seeks to have control over Gaza in the aftermath of the war despite Biden White House pressure for a two-state solution.

The news also comes as Israel has exchanged fire with the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah in recent weeks. Israel reportedly struck Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon after the group fired rockets into northern Israel.

Hezbollah has not entered the war in full swing, but fighting between Israel and the terrorist group has increased of late.

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