Abbott Says Texas To Continue Busing Migrants

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said this weekend that his state would continue sending more migrants northward, specifically citing New York City. The statement came as New York struggled under the weight of about 200,000 illegal immigrant arrivals in the last two years.

Abbott made the statement during a speech to the National Rife Association (NRA) this weekend in Dallas, Texas.

The governor called the leaders of Democratic states and cities “hypocrites.” After a woman called for Abbott to send more migrants to New York, he said “Oh, they’re going to New York, trust me.”

“Mayor Adams needs something to do,” he said, citing New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D).

“Unless and until Joe Biden does finally begin to enforce immigration laws I will continue to bus those migrants to sanctuary cities across the United States of America,” he said.

Texas is among several border states that have been sending busloads and planeloads of illegal immigrants northward, especially to self-described ‘sanctuary’ states and cities. As a result, a number of areas that traditionally vote for the Democratic Party have seen an influx of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

New York is perhaps the largest example of this, as the city has accepted thousands of migrants. Despite pro-migrant rhetoric from its politicians, the city asked for migrants to not come to the city last year.

Furthermore, New York has struggled to handle the current load of illegal immigrants. The city has already announced a series of budget cuts and narrowly avoided another round of sharp reductions. Adams said that the city may need to raise taxes to cover the costs associated with the migrants.

Texas has had significant success reducing the flow of illegal immigrants into the state through Abbott’s Operation Lone Star. The plan uses state resources, including the National Guard and police, to try to secure the border and halt human smuggling.

The state has announced a number of successes, including rescuing individuals held by human traffickers and capturing a significant volume of drugs.

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