Harris Laments Deaths In Hostage Rescue

Vice President Kamala Harris mourned the death of a number of Palestinian deaths during a rescue operation that retrieved four Israeli hostages. The comments came as a number of groups and organizations condemned the rescue.

Harris made the comments prior to an event with the Michigan Democratic Party.

“Before I begin, I just say a few words about the morning which I know weighs heavily on all of our hearts,” she said.

Harris marked the initial Hamas attack and said that “thankfully” four of the hostages were rescued.

“And we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in Gaza, including those tragically killed today,” she said.

“We have been working every day to bring an end to this conflict in a way that ensures Israel is secure, brings home all hostages, ends ongoing suffering for Palestinian people and ensures that Palestinians can enjoy their right to self-determination, dignity and freedom,” said the vice president. “As President Biden said last week, it is time for this war to end.”

The weekend operation freed four hostages held by Hamas since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack that killed approximately 1,200 people. Hamas and allied groups also seized more than 200 hostages during the attack, including a number of Americans.

Several other organizations and countries have condemned the operation that rescued the hostages. This includes reproach from Egypt and Jordan, which both have positive relations with Israel. Both Arab states aided Israel earlier this year during a largescale Iranian missile and drone attack.

Israelis celebrated the rescue, which followed a number of attempted ceasefire negotiations with Hamas. Hamas has rejected several of the ceasefire options. It comes as the group could not guarantee how many of the hostages are still alive.

It is unclear how many of the captives are still living.

Israel appears to be preparing for a final attack on Rafah, the final stronghold of Hamas. The Biden administration has warned Israel not to proceed, and President Joe Biden called such an operation a “red line.”

The Biden administration has withheld munitions from Israel, despite the package being approved by Congress. Biden has stated that he would withhold further weapons depending on Israel’s future actions.

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