Daylight Robbery At NYC Shoe Store

A robber made off with a large number of Nike items in New York City this weekend amid a significant increase in retail theft in major cities in the last several years. The news comes after a significant number of large-scale retail robberies involving large crowds of people.

The suspect was caught on camera entering a Foot Locker in the Bronx in New York City. The robber made off with a bag of Nike clothes. The robber stole a number of sweatshirts and sweatpants in the incident last week.

The suspect showed a gun and continued stealing other items, including a series of hats before exiting the store.

The suspect exchanged words with a security guard on his way out.

New York has seen a significant increase in retail theft since the 2020 George Floyd riots and the passage of a bail reform bill that eliminated holding many suspects, even those on violent charges. The bail reform effort has been amended several times amid increasing criticism of the growing crime in the state.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) requested stronger penalties for violent shoplifters but was foiled by the efforts of Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D).

Heastie said that he did not believe “raising penalties is ever a deterrent on crime.”

Last year a flash mob robbed a Nike store in California making off with thousands of dollars of merchandise.

There have been a significant number of such flash mob robberies in California over the last several years.

Thieves also struck a number of other retailers in the state, including a Yves Saint Laurent Store and a Nordstrom. In another incident, a flash mob reportedly stole about $100,000 in merchandise from a Ksubi store near Los Angeles.

There has been a series of store closures in California, especially in San Francisco. The city has seen a significant decline in the number of retail locations in recent years.

The California Highway Patrol organized its Organized Retail Crime Task Force in an effort to crack down on the expanding theft in the state.

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