House Committee Accuses Hunter Biden Of Lying To Congress

The House Ways and Means Committee accused President Joe Biden’s son Hunter of lying during testimony to Congress. The latest incident comes as the president’s son is awaiting federal trials related to firearms and tax charges.

Members of the committee voted Wednesday to release information related to Hunter Biden’s testimony and the ongoing investigations surrounding him. The information stems from statements from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, which the committee report said “indisputably” showed that the president’s son lied during congressional testimony.

Hunter Biden said that he was “high or drunk” when he sent a text message demanding money to a Chinese business associate. However, the business associate Raymond Zhao said that he “knew exactly” what Hunter meant.

Hunter Biden requested money from the CEFC China Energy Company, claiming that his father was sitting with him in the same room. Hunter Biden also said that both he and his father would “hold a grudge” if the company backed out of a “commitment.”

However, Hunter Biden sent the message to Raymond Zhao but claimed he intended to send it to Henry Zhao, instead. Henry Zhao was involved in a separate business deal with him.

Following the text message, CEFC sent $5 million to accounts related to the president’s son.

“My father was not sitting next to me,” Hunter Biden said. “My father had no awareness of the business that I was doing. My father never benefited from any of the business that I was doing.”

In addition, further evidence from the committee indicated that the president’s son was incorrect when he said that he did not his associates for visas. Evidence appears to show that Hunter Biden attempted to help in receiving a visa for Burisma energy company founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) accused the Biden administration of a “full blown cover up” that she said “reeks from the deepest levels of our government.”

In addition to the accusations in Congress, several of Hunter Biden’s former romantic partners are slated to testify in his federal firearms trial.

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