Jordan Seeks Probe Into Breaches Of Military Bases

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is launching a probe into a series of attempted breaches of military bases by migrants in recent months. Jordan’s announcement came amid wider concern about both the intrusions and the increasing number of illegal aliens entering the country.

Jordan said in a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that he was concerned about the series of attempted breaches. One occurred on May 3 in Virginia when two Jordanian nationals tried to enter the base.

One of the individuals told the military police officers that they were delivering mail and worked for a company working for Amazon. The two men were driving a box truck.

“It was at that time, one of the military police officers noticed the driver, ignoring the direct instructions of the officers, continued to move the vehicle past the holding area and attempted to access Marine Corps Base Quantico,” wrote Jordan.

The two individuals were then arrested and turned over to immigration officials. Federal officials announced that the two individuals were in the country illegally. One entered illegally in April while the other overstayed a student visa.

The incident occurred after a series of other attempted breaches during the last year, sparking increasing concern.

Federal law enforcement said that neither person was involved in any threatening organization.

Jordan’s comments come as last year saw the highest number of attempted entries into the United States in the nation’s history. Federal law enforcement officials said that there were three million border encounters last year, which is the first time that plateau has been reached.

Furthermore, December 2023 saw the highest monthly total of attempted entries, breaching 300,000 for the first time. Many Republicans blame the tenure of President Joe Biden for the surge, who took office in 2021.

Furthermore, congressional Republicans cite the Biden administration’s decision to end former President Donald Trump’s Title 42 asylum policy last year.

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