Rules Set For Biden, Trump Debate

Following weeks of speculation, the rules for the planned debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump were announced last week. The decision comes as the June 27 debate is likely to have a major impact on the November election.

The debate will be hosted by CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in November. The event is planned to be 90 minutes.

The debate is a deviation from the traditional three-debate format and will include several key changes.

This includes the ability to turn the microphones off of candidates if they speak while the other candidate is speaking. There will also be two commercial breaks during the debate.

The candidates cannot interact with their campaign staff or bring notes with them.

CNN said that the moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure civilized discussion.” There will also be no audience.

The debate format is interesting in part because of the person who will not be there. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy does not qualify to take part.

Trump had previously challenged Biden to a debate anywhere and anytime. After weeks of challenges from Trump, Biden agreed to two debates with the former president. The second is planned for September.

The former president also mentioned the planned debate during a recent campaign stop. He said that the topic of potential “election interference” would come up during the debate.

Trump said that he was offered Tapper, who he called “Fake” Tapper, with no audience, a sealed room and the candidates sitting down.

“That was an offer that nobody would accept,” Trump said. He then said that he accepted the terms of the debate.

He asked the audience if they thought Tapper would be fair, which was met by boos.

The also said that CNN would get “big numbers” from the debate. He said that many of his supporters would be “screaming at your audience all night.”

The former president said that the candidates should stand.

“Let’s stand,” he said.

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