Protesters Chant For Jews To Leave University

Protesters at Columbia University shouted for Jews to leave the college amid growing protests at the Ivy League school. The increasingly antisemitic protests have included a number of arrests, including that of a congresswoman’s daughter.

Protesters have harassed Jewish students on campus, including one student being told to commit suicide. In one video clip, the protesters target Jews calling for them to leave the campus and go back to Poland.

Many of the protesters carried Palestinian flags and one held a sign calling for Hamas to target pro-Israel counterprotesters.

The White House issued a statement over the weekend condemning the “calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting Jewish students and the Jewish community,” which it called “blatantly antisemitic, unconscionable and dangerous – they have absolutely no place on any college campus or anywhere in the United States of America.”

“Hamas make us proud, kill another soldier now,” shouted protesters. Others called for the freedom of Hamas prisoners held by Israel while others chanted in Arabic.

A number of students set up a tent city in the middle of the campus. A previous occupation of part of the campus resulted in more than a hundred arrests.

There have been a number of arrests on campus since the demonstrations began, including an attempted occupation of part of the university. Among those arrested was the daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who has a hammer and sickle in her X profile bio.

Furthermore, multiple Jewish organizations have called for students to keep themselves safe as the protests become increasingly aggressive.

The protesters have gained in earnest in recent weeks as Israel closes in on the last Hamas stronghold of Rafah.

Several other protests shut down important transport last week. This included one that blocked entry into part of Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. Other protests shut down the Brooklyn and Golden Gate Bridges.

Largescale protests in Dearborn, Michigan saw protesters create a vehicle convoy down a major thoroughfare, leading to a number of arrests for blocking traffic.

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