Trump Would Be ‘Proud’ To Be Jailed

Former President Donald Trump said that he would be “proud” to go to jail for contempt of court during his ongoing New York criminal trial. The former president’s comments came as his attorneys won two recent victories, with the federal documents case and Georgia 2020 election trials being delayed.

The former president has twice been accused of being in contempt of court by Judge Juan Merchan. In the first instance, Trump was fined $9,000.

“If anything’s mentioned against certain people, and you know who they are, certain people, anything’s even mentioned, he wants to put me in jail,” he said Friday. “That could happen one day and I’d be very proud to go to jail for our Constitution.”

Trump argued that there had “never been anything like it.”

Trump is barred by a gag order from criticizing the judge, jury or court officials. The former president has argued that the order is unconstitutional and unfairly targets him.

Trump also argued that the judge should issue a gag order for his former attorney Michael Cohen.

“What the judge did was amazing. Actually, it was amazing. Everybody can say … whatever they want, but I’m not allowed to say anything about anybody,” he said.

“It’s a disgrace,” Trump said.

The former president said that the current trial against him was a “very dark day for New York City, New York State and it’s a very dark day for our nation.”

He called the prosecution and judge in the case “corrupt thugs” and said that the case should “go no further.”

Despite this, the former president also argued that his poll numbers were higher than ever.

Trump argued on social media that there was “Large scale mounting evidence that all of the unprecedented number of lawsuits brought against me, the Witch Hunt, are conceived of, and coordinated by, the White House and the DOJ.”

“Such a disgrace. All done to illegally help Crooked Joe Biden fight his Political Opponent, ME!” he wrote.

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