White House Supporting UN Resolution Against Israeli Operations

The Biden administration is reportedly considering backing a United Nations resolution calling for Israel to abandon its current offensive in Gaza. The word came as Israel has captured most of the territory in the narrow Palestinian enclave and is currently poised to take Gaza’s largest southern city and base of Hamas operations.

The proposed United Nations Security Council would be a binding resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Israel recently offered a ceasefire in exchange for the estimated more than 100 hostages held by the terrorist group, but this was rejected by Hamas. Most of the hostages are believed to be in Rafah.

The draft American resolution says that a continued Israeli offensive “would have serious implications for regional peace and security, and therefore underscores that such a major ground offensive should not proceed under current circumstances.”

The Biden administration announced it would support a draft resolution calling for Israel to stop its military operations against Rafah. Thousands of Hamas terrorist fighters are believed to be holed up in the city.

Since Israel began its campaign against the terrorist group last year, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has taken most of Gaza, including its most populous city. Hamas was responsible for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack that killed more than 1,200 civilians.

Since the Israeli operations have begun, Hamas has lost thousands of fighters. The flow of rockets fired from Gaza against Israeli targets has declined, as well.

As the fighting grows in Gaza, Israel has faced increased tensions on its northern border with Lebanon. In recent days, Israel has traded fire with the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, including a large Hezbollah rocket barrage earlier this week.

Skirmishes between Israel and Hezbollah have not broken into full-scale conflict. The two fought a war in 2006 following a Hezbollah terrorist attack.

Both Hamas and Hezbollah are backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is also aiding rocket attacks against civilian and military vessels near the coast of Yemen.

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